
Pre-Award Phase

The Pre-Award Phase encompasses all activities relate to proposal preparation up until 一项资助决定已经做出. 在这个阶段,教师/工作人员将制作 compelling narratives, outline project plans in alignment with grant criteria, develop 切合实际的预算,并收集支持文件. 这个阶段的高潮是 提交精心制作的应用程序.

All proposals require institutional review and approval prior to submission to ensure that any commitments included are consistent with federal, state, and college policies. 因此,未经适当批准,您不得直接申请资助.


Once an opportunity has been identified and the concept approved for proposal development, 现在是准备提案的时候了. 在深入研究错综复杂的求婚之前 writing, it is important to understand the diverse requirements set by the funding agencies. 每个资助者都在各自的指导方针和优先事项下运作 针对每个应用程序量身定制的方法. 这是至关重要的个人感兴趣的 preparing proposals familiarize themselves with the expectations outlined in the requests (rfp)和每个资助机构的具体要求. Some common 奖助金提案的组成部分可以在下面找到.


  1.  摘要:对项目进行简要概述,包括项目的目标、意义、 以及预期的结果.
  2.  Table of Contents
  3.  Introduction/background: contextual information about the issue or need the project aims to address.
  4.  需求陈述:清楚地表达项目所寻求的问题或需求 讲话,要有证据和数据支持.
  5.  Project Goals and Objectives: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timebound 目标(SMART),概述项目的目标.
  6.  Project Description: detailed explanation of the project’s activities methods, timeline, 以及参与实施的关键人员.
  7.  Project Timeline
  8.  Evaluation plan: description of how the project’s success will be monitored and evaluated, 包括数据收集方法、指标和评价标准.
  9.  Sustainability Plan: strategies for ensuring the project’s long-term sustainability 拨款期后
  10.  组织能力:
  11.  Other Components:
    1. Budget
    2. 预算的理由
    3. Letters of Support
    4. 合伙协议
    5. Bibliography
    6. 主要人员的简历和/或职位描述
    7. Current & pending support
    8. Dissemination plan
    9. 资源及设施


Budget Preparation

A detailed budget is a key component of a successful proposal that outlines the financial 执行拟议项目所需的资源. 我们将协助你发展 你的奖助金预算,以确保与世界扶轮基金会的政策及资助指引一致. 商务办公室必须在提案提交之前批准所有预算.

在评估成本的适当性时,我们依靠概述的成本原则 within. 管理和预算办公室 联邦奖助金统一指导 其中费用必须是:

如果成本的性质和金额不超过某项业务发生的成本,则该成本为合理成本 “谨慎的人”在类似的情况下.

ScenarioAlex McLabcoat需要为一个资助项目购买一架无人机. They purchase 一个来自供应商“OverpricedGizmos Inc”,尽管他们的价格过高. Mclabcoat does not compare prices with more affordable, reputable vendors to ensure responsible fund use. This purchase was not reasonable.


  • “Be necessary and reasonable for the performance of the Federal award and be allocable 在这些原则下.
  • Conform to any limitations or exclusions set forth in these principles or in the Federal 对成本项目的类型或金额进行奖励.
  • 与联邦统一适用的政策和程序保持一致 非联邦实体的资助和其他活动.
  • 给予一致的待遇. 费用不能分配给联邦裁决 a direct cost if any other cost incurred for the same purpose in like circumstances 作为间接费用分配给联邦政府.
  • 按照公认会计原则(GAAP)确定; except, for state and local governments and Indian tribes only, as otherwise provided for in this part.
  • 不包括在成本中或用于满足成本分摊或匹配要求的 任何其他在当前或以前时期由联邦政府资助的项目. See also § 200.306(b).
  • 有充分的文件记录. See also §§ 200.300 through 200.309 of this part.
  • 费用必须在批准的预算期内发生. 联邦奖励机构 is authorized, at its discretion, to waive prior written approvals to carry forward 根据第200条将未支配余额拨至后续预算期间.308(e)(3).”

A cost is allocable if the goods or services involved that are reasonably assigned 根据他们的利益和对项目目的的使用来分配给项目.

Scenario: Alex McLabcoat正在领导一个专注于学生留存的资助项目. While 在准备预算时,他们在预算中加入了一个奢侈的DJ系统 希望提高学生的士气. 这个购买是不可分配的.

A cost is considered “consistently treated” when all costs incurred for the same purpose 在类似情况下一律对待.

大多数预算将包括两个供资要素- -直接和间接开支. Direct expenses are those needed to carry out the specific goals and objectives of 而间接费用则是用来偿还WVC的 支持颁奖活动的费用.

Faculty that intends to expend significant effort on a sponsor project may be eligible to request summer salary, reassigned time (course release), or other forms of support. Note. WVC的大多数教员都是代表学术单位签订9个月的合同 year. 美国国家科学基金资助限制工资支出不超过每个教员工资的2/9.

为了帮助计算补助金资助的工资,每个教师/工作人员必须签名 the Authorization to Release Salary Information form and submit the signed form to the Grants Office. 然后他们会将表格转发给人力资源办公室. The salary information provided by HR reflects the current year; if the grant will be realized in subsequent fiscal years, it is necessary to incorporate a cost-of-living 每年的调整(COLA).

附带福利包括:健康保险、退休福利、 人寿保险、工伤赔偿、学费抵免和联邦移民和移民管理局费用. For the 全日制教职员的附加津贴,请向教育资助处查询.
附带福利包括:健康保险、退休福利、 人寿保险、工伤赔偿、学费抵免和联邦移民和移民管理局费用. For the 全日制教职员的附加津贴,请向教育资助处查询.

设备是一种有形的财产,使用寿命至少为一年 每单位的获取成本等于或超过5000美元. Some funders have 设备的不同定义.

Note: Effective 10/1/2024, the per unit acquisition cos threshold will rise from $5,000 to $10,000.

Travel expenses are defined as any cost which requires travel to a domestic or foreign 与赞助项目直接相关的目的地. 允许的费用包括 conference attendance (including registration and associated travel expenses), travel for planning meetings, research collaboration, travel expenses for project consultants, 机票、住宿、里程、地面交通费及餐费.

有关全州每日费率信息,请单击 here. 点击查看不同城市的日费率 here.
Supplies are defined as any consumable materials essential to the sponsored project. Generally, this includes all tangible property below the $5,000 equipment threshold.
Publication expenses are defined as any cost associated with disseminating, publishing, 分享赞助项目的成果.
Participant support expenses are defined as costs associated in supporting participants or trainees (not employees) in connection with a meeting, workshop, or training project 在赞助项目下进行的. 费用包括津贴、旅行津贴、注册费 费用、培训资料等.
A consultant is an individual who provides a temporary service in support of the sponsored project. 顾问不能是WVC的员工,也无权享受附加福利. Consultants typically provide a quote identifying an hourly rate, the scope of work 要执行的,以及完成工作所需的预计时间.

凡不适用上述标题的费用,另称 "other direct costs.”

Examples of budget items under this category include equipment service/maintenance, 场地及设施租金, postage, internet services, subawards, etc.

Note:请检查具体的资助指南,以确定您的项目是否 是允许的费用吗?.

Indirect Costs are expenses used to reimburse colleges for the overhead incurred to 支持赞助项目. 这些都是与特派团有关的费用,不能轻易支付 identifiable or directly assigned to a major project or activity with a high degree of accuracy. 间接成本回收很重要,因为它允许WVC进行再投资 在驱动程序和服务的基础设施中.

Examples: Library expenses


一些资助者可能要求WVC贡献一定比例的机构资金 资金以项目成本来表达机构的承诺和杠杆作用 resources. 要求以现金和/或实物捐款. 如果一个项目需要 cost-sharing, the PI/PD is required to receive written approval from their respective 院长/副总裁和行政服务副总裁. 这是为了确保WVC的能力 匹配和跟踪出资人的成本分担要求.

你经过同行评审的提案可以提交了,现在怎么办? 是时候进行制度改革了 review and approval. 这一内部审查过程开始于完成 Grants Review Form and ensures that grants pursued on behalf of WVC are in alignment 与学院的使命和战略重点. 概述在WVC程序 1200.220补助金发展 & Approval Procedure, institutional approval must be obtained by everyone applying on behalf of WVC  or its associated foundations (WVC Foundation and 奥马克基金会的WVC) and applies 所有类型的资金来源(州,联邦,私人等).)

我们要求在提交截止日期前至少10个工作日彻底 review all proposals. 如果助学金审查表格迟到,我们不能保证 机构批准,从而提交提案. 包含应用程序/建议 significant typos, misspellings, incomplete information, or those not aligning with grant guidelines will be returned to the PI for revisions before submission approvals are granted.


The Grants Review Team reviews all proposals but only has authority to approve proposals that:

  • Are $49,999 or less
  • 没有匹配或实物要求
  • 不要求学院作出制度化项目人员的承诺 在资助期结束时
  • 不要重新定义或重新分类给定职位的状态
  • 不涉及重要的伙伴关系或可持续性要求
  • 仅持续一个财政年度或更短时间

The Grant Review Team reviews the proposal for these grants first and makes a recommendation to the Cabinet.


  • Are $50,000 or more
  • 有匹配或实物要求
  • 要求学院承诺将项目人员制度化 补助金期结束
  • 重新定义或重新分类给定位置的状态
  • 涉及重要的伙伴关系或可持续性要求
  • 包括将持续一个以上财政年度的奖助金活动.


Note: After the final draft has been approved for submission, the Initiating Individual 只能对申请做小的修改吗. 项目的重大变更 不应该制定影响预算或可交付成果的计划. Any changes made to 提案或预算需要及时传达给奖助金协调员. This helps maintain transparency and allows for any necessary adjustments to be made.

一旦您的提案被批准提交,授权组织 代表(AOR)将签署提交并将申请提交给 the funder.