WVC 基金会 welcomes new director and alumni relations coordinator


Media Contact:
Darrell Dickeson, foundation interim executive director, 509-682-6415
Libby Siebens, community relations executive director, 509-682-6436 (Mon.碰头.)

WVC 基金会 hires executive director and alumni relations coordinator

David Davin, WVC 基金会 Executive Director Rachel Evey, WVC 校友 Relations Coordinator


皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College 基金会 is pleased to announce that David Davin has been hired as the new executive director and Rachel Evey as the alumni relations coordinator. Davin will start on July 17 and Evey on July 3.

Davin is coming to WVC from the University of Southern California 校友 Association, where he is the director of regional and engagement programs. He previously worked as a program manager in the USC Gould School of Law, as marketing and public relations manager at Reliant Financial, and as co-founder and chief operating officer at DoMyStuff.com. He received a master’s degree in professional writing and two bachelor’s degrees in English and American Studies at USC.

Evey, of Bakersfield, Calif., works as a manager of development and donor services at Kern 社区 基金会. 她 has previously worked as the development and donor services coordinator and as foundation assistant for the community foundation. 她 received a bachelor’s degree in international relations and Italian at the University of California-Davis.


The WVC 基金会 was incorporated in 1971. It exists to build relationships between the community and the college and raise financial support for 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College students, programs, faculty and staff, as well as special projects such as building campaigns like the Music and Art Center. For information on how to make a gift to the foundation, establish a scholarship or include the WVC 基金会 in your estate plans, contact (509) 682-6410. 访问 the WVC 基金会 website at class.taxidalat24h.net/foundation.

