WVC one of six Washington colleges to receive 台面 格兰特

Media Contact:
Libby Siebens, community relations executive 导演, 509-682-6436 (Mon.碰头.)

皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College (WVC) was selected as one of six Washington community and technical colleges to receive a Washington State 台面 社区 College Expansion 格兰特. The 台面 社区 College program goal is to recruit 100 underrepresented and minority students to pursue science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) majors.

The state legislature together with Washington 台面 and the State Board for 社区 and Technical Colleges is providing $125,000 annually to WVC to fund these efforts. WVC will soon be one of 12 community colleges offering 台面 programs.

The 格兰特 will help fund a 台面 student center, which is designed to provide academic and support services to 台面 students. The center will be opened on the 皇冠8868会员登录 campus in the Eller-Fox Science Center. It will include a study space and computers. Renovations on the space will begin winter quarter.

The 台面 program will include advising and tutoring in the STEM fields for students selected to participate, which will take place in the center. 台面 students will also take academic excellence workshops, develop three-year educational plans, and will have summer internship and job opportunities that are secured for them by a 台面 program 导演. In addition, the 台面 格兰特 will also fund outreach efforts to recruit underrepresented high school students into STEM programs and career pathways.

台面, which stands for “mathematics, engineering, science achievement,” was established in 1982. The 台面 社区 College Program began in Washington in 2009.

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皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College enriches North Central Washington by serving educational and cultural needs of communities and residents throughout the service area. 学院 provides high-quality transfer, liberal arts, professional/technical, basic skills and continuing education for students of diverse ethnic and economic backgrounds. 访问 our website, class.taxidalat24h.net


