


  • 要开始登录,请转到WVC Canvas登录页面
  • 您将使用您的CTC Link凭据登录.


  • 要开始登录,请转到WVC Canvas登录页面
  • 为你的 用户名,请使用您的员工ID号或CTC Link ID登录凭据.


  • Course-specific questions (about course content, assignment due dates, tests, etc): Contact 你的老师.
  • 画布支持:参见 帆布学生指南,提交罚单或询问 帆布社区.
  • 关于远程学习的问题:(509)682-6718. 检查 WVC远程学习网站.
  • 图书馆服务:(509)682-6801. 检查 WVC图书馆网站.
  • 注册/招生:(509)682 - 6806.
  • WVC Student Technology (student e-mail, wireless connection, computer information, etc): call the Help Desk at (509) 682-6550 during business hours, and/or check the 信息技术 页面.


是的. 当您被WVC录取时,将为您创建一个WVC电子邮件帐户. 如果你愿意 to use your personal e-mail account (ex: Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc), make sure the 注册办公室有你现在的电子邮件地址.
一些做. Some courses are conducted completely online and others have some required face-to-face 会议. Make sure you clearly understand requirements listed in the footnote for each course you are enrolled in, see course listing, or check with 你的老师 有关会议的具体日期、时间和地点.
You need the ability to use a keyboard and mouse; to type papers; to use a Web browser; to send and receive e-mails; to open, save and manage files; and to learn 如何使用 新的基于web的工具. 这些技能是通过实践来学习的,所以不要让他们 stop you from taking an online course if you are strong in other skills such as reading and writing, and you are motivated to develop the computer skills you need to succeed. 做一个自我评估,看看皇冠8868会员登录学习是否适合你.
Any internet connection will work, but dial-up modem connection is slow and files/页面s 可能需要很长时间才能装好. 有可靠的高速互联网连接 是可取的. 记住,WVC有计算机实验室,学生可以在校园里使用 在皇冠8868会员登录和奥马克.
大多数课程都包括皇冠8868会员登录测试. 老师可能会让你参加评分 皇冠8868会员登录讨论,和/或参加皇冠8868会员登录评估(测验或考试). 老师 may also require that you take these assessments in the presence of a proctor or a 值得信赖的主管. 老师会给你具体的课程活动指导 包括参加考试和测验.


  • 只有通过WVC学习的课程才会显示.
  • The course is missing because 你的老师 hasn’t made it available to students 然而,.
  • 该课程不会在仪表板上“加星”. 点击“课程”图标,然后选择 “所有课程." 检查 list that populates for the class that you are looking for, and make sure that the star next to it has been activated (click on the star if only 显示轮廓,但没有填充颜色). 这应该会让你的课程 指示板.
  • You are not officially registered for the course, or have missed a tuition payment. 和注册员核对一下:(皇冠8868会员登录:509.682.6833; Omak: 509.422.7803)

你的教练会提供几种皇冠8868会员登录. 使用它们! 联络你的导师 尽快解释你的情况

Some online WVC 皇冠8868会员登录 courses are coded as VC and others are codes as WO. 有 slight differences in when these courses start and end, drop dates, etc. 一般 speaking, 皇冠8868会员登录课程 run on the same calendar as face-to-face courses. 检查 皇冠8868会员登录课程安排.

Courses with section code of VC are taught online by WVC faculty using Canvas and/or 老师的网站. 这些课程只对WVC学生开放. 课程编码 with WO are taught by faculty from other Washington state community colleges. 这些 courses are available to students at several different colleges throughout the state. 有 also differences in when these courses start and end; and w在这里 to find 教材资料. 见问题10和12.

  • For courses coded with VC - Books are available through WVC bookstore: Your instructor 也可以在网上教室张贴ISBN号吗. 您也可以单击 在这里 查看教材信息列表.
  • For courses coded with WO – You need to order books through the eCampus bookstore. 去 the Washington皇冠8868会员登录 Web site and follow the on-screen instructions on how to 查找课本信息并链接到校园书店.
Most PC (Windows-based machines) and Mac computers made in the last five years and 使用高速互联网服务连接应该可以正常工作. 要知道你会的 使用Canvas,一个用于管理皇冠8868会员登录课程的基于web的平台. 帆布效果很好 在装有谷歌浏览器和火狐浏览器的个人电脑上. Mac用户可以考虑下载 Mac上的谷歌Chrome和Mozilla网络浏览器. 请参阅当前的硬件和软件需求.
Contact information for 你的老师 should be available on your course syllabus. If you are not able to locate 你的老师, you can contact the WVC 远程学习 课程在509.682.6718.

是的. Canvas has tracking capability which keeps a record of your online course activities. Most instructors will also require an initial message and some acknowledgement that 你已经阅读并理解了课程大纲.

  • 点击这里参考我们的画布学生使用指南
  • Discuss any concerns with your faculty adviser or the distance learning staff. If necessary, register for "SDS 102 皇冠8868会员登录 Readiness," a 1-credit course that will prepare 你可以在晚些时候上远程课程.
  • Complete Canvas orientation if you have never used Canvas as an online classroom.

检查 校历 for online classes to find if you may qualify for a refund, and a last day to withdraw 或者改成审计. 


点击这里查看皇冠8868会员登录咨询工具. 联系509.682.6830(皇冠8868会员登录校区)或509.422.7849(奥马克校区).

是的. Whether you are planning to take classes on campus or online, t在这里 may be issues of access to web-based instruction and participation that should be explored as early 尽可能. WVC will provide reasonable accommodations for qualified students with a disability, in accordance with Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act 1973年的《皇冠8868会员登录》和华盛顿州的法律. 联络特别小组 人口办事处509.682.6854, tty / ttd 509.682.6853,邮箱:LFoster@taxidalat24h.net. 提供 your name, email and/or phone number will enable Special Population Coordinator to 与你联系. 浏览残疾服务网站.

Use 当然仪 tools and make sure you clearly understand the course description and requirements listed in the footnote for each course you want to enroll in. 点击这里开始注册

你可以在网上访问你的记录 ctcLink and choose appropriate options like unofficial transcript, address change, tuition 以及收费记录等.

  • http://outlook.office.com/mail
  • Your email account will be enabled and active only if you are a current or registered WVC学生.  注册后,您的电子邮件帐户将在24小时内激活 登记时间.
  • Your username is the same as your WVC e-mail address which consists of your first initial, last name and the last four digits of your student ID number followed by @student.wvc.例如:罗伯特·史密斯的电子邮件地址是 RSmith1234@student.taxidalat24h.net
  • To set your password for the first time or reset your password, please follow the 说明见 class.taxidalat24h.net/reset
  • Network passwords must not include any portion of your name and meet the following 标准:
    • 长度为8-15个字符;
    • 至少包含一个大写字母;
    • 包含至少一个小写字母;
    • 至少包含一个数字和特殊字符.
电子邮件网址: http://outlook.office.com/mail